Qi Gong for grounding and rebalancing

An invitation to explore Qi Gong as a moving meditation to reduce stress and anxiety, develop more presence and nurture a sense of inner calm and contentment.

Benefits of Qi Gong:

  • Reduces stress and strengthens the immune system

  • Improves balance

  • Releases muscle tension and joint blockages

  • Stabilizes the lung function through deep, regular breathing

  • Improves posture and flexibility

  • Mobilizes the spine and strengthens the back muscles

  • Stabilizes the cardiovascular system, as more oxygen is supplied to the blood through conscious and deep breathing

  • Lowers high blood pressure

  • Increases the ability to concentrate

  • Promotes brain activity through asynchronous movements and mobilization of both hemispheres of the brain

  • Reduces anxiety and depression

  • Has a regulating and calming effect on the entire nervous system

  • Increases vitality and energy


Qi Gong is an ancient practice of slow, gentle movements which mirror the principles of nature. This conscious way of moving opens the energy flow in the body, helps to settle the mind and anchor awareness in the body. The pressure and speed of modern life often disconnects and distracts us from our bodies, not seldom pushing it to the brink of exhaustion.

Qi Gong offers a safe and gentle way to reconnect with our bodies and begin to heal the split between mind and body to become more grounded and centered. When we are more connected with our body we have more access to its innate wisdom and intuition and learn to self care better. By releasing tension and soothing the nervous system Qi Gong allows us to tap into a natural state of relaxation and flow.

Less effort, less thinking, less doing – more being.

What is Qi Gong?

“Anna brings full bodied presence to her teaching, illuminating the therapeutic value of each exercise. She gives clear instructions. I’m grateful for each healing session I’ve had with her.”

— L.R. Rochester, NY, USA